ROBPM, born in 1978 under the spires of fashionable Milan.
His passion for music raises with him and in 1996 he decides to enter in the amazing world of djing.

He starts play hardcore music together with his best friends with the same passion every afternoon.

He starts playing seriously his sets from private parties and small clubs, up to bigger events into nightlife of Milan and close district in late 90s.

After a long stop, he came back to his first love, the music…He restarts in 2016 with a new name and new target to achieve.

He understands that producing is what he was missing to be considered a contemporary DJ, so he starts working hard on.

Tracks as “Tzunami”,”Seat Belt” , “Double Slap” has permitted to ROBPM to be considered not only for his 20 years of experience as a Dj, but also an interesting and fresh name in producing scene.


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